

Sometimes when I am looking around a website I'm unclear about how some aspects of it work so I thought I'd provide a little guide below for a couple of items that aren't always intuitive.  If you think other aspects of this site need explaining please let me know!


This a facility that enables you to gather together a gallery of your own favourite images.  When looking at the individual images in a specific gallery there's a 'lightbox' button, simply click on it to include that image.  To see your selections click on the 'lightbox' tab in the top menu.


Images can be grouped into all sorts of categories. I've gone down the traditional geographical location route but you don't have to be constrained by that.  On the right hand side of most pages, including this one, you can see a 'search' tab.  Simply click on it and type in your own parameters.  You might try 'Vale of Glamorgan' and gather together the images of Barry, Penarth and other parts of the Vale.  Or you may disregard location and select 'beach'.  There are also a few adjectives such as 'sunny' or 'stormy'.  Incidentally  combinations, 'beach' and 'quiet' for example, are an option too.